Nikon D3300 vs Nikon D3400: The Detailed Comparison

In case you are on your way to buy a new camera and you are now deciding between Nikon D3300 and D3400, this detailed comparison is sure to bring you plenty of insights. The choice of a new camera may turn out to be really hard. You don’t go buying them every day, so it must serve you long enough. That’s why it’s often a time-consuming process of comparison and elimination. As soon as you narrowed down the list of options to the models in question, you are only one step away from the purchase. So, be attentive. At first, we’ll gather the shared characteristics and then focus on the differences. They’ll help you pick.

The facts both cameras share

First of all, you can see by the name of the models the cameras share most characteristics and functions. The D3400 is simply the next version which is lightly updated. Both options are very good. So, one of the common characteristics is 24MP APS-C sensors. It’s more than enough for great photos and 1920*1080 video resolution. What’s more, they have 921k dots LCD screen resolution on the 3” Fixed Type Screen. In addition, they share:

• Lack of Anti-aliasing filter,

• Nikon F Mount,

• Face detection focus.

• 5 fps continuous shooting,

Besides, both cameras share a built-in flash. You can get an external flash, too. You’ll be pleased to know that there is an optical viewfinder. Both models support the RAW format.

On the other hand, the cameras also share the lack of certain features like AF Touch, touch screen, headphone port, Environmental sealing, and timelapse recording.

7 reasons to pick the newer model

It’s quite obvious that D3400 was created to replace D3300. There are 7 major improvements which make this camera a better option. They include:

1. Unlike the old model, D3400 has 25.600 Max ISO compared to 12.800.

2. The battery life was greatly improved, too. Now you can take up to 1200 shots on a single charge. D3300 allows only 700 shots instead.

3. The D3400 camera is less bulky and weighs about 395 g compared to 430g of D3300.

4. You’ll also like the increased color depth by 0.5.

5. The dynamic range of the newer D3400 is 13.9. It’s competitor D3300 has only 12.8.

6. Nikon D3400 has Bluetooth.

7. Finally, the D3400 camera got a smartphone remote control option.

It’s also important to realize that some features got worse. For instance, the new D3400 doesn’t have a microphone port while D3300 has one. Moreover, Low Light ISO is 1385 in D3300. The newer model got only 1192.

Thoughts on which option is better

Weight is a very important factor, especially if you buy a camera to carry around day after day. While both models are relatively lightweight, even the difference of 35g can be significant. Taking into account the weight factor, it’s important to pay attention to the weight of the lenses, too. There are hundreds of native lenses you can get. They are the same for both cameras.

Comparing the sensor won’t give you any new data. Both cameras have the same features here. The different types of photography, however, reveal that Nikon D3400 is a bit better for sports, daily, and landscape photos. Portrait and street photoshoots have the same quality.

The verdict

While the differences seem imperceptible, D3400 is a better solution. It takes better images and has slightly better features. Besides, the portability and value are higher as well. In the top 50 SLR cameras, D3300 still occupies 32nd place, while D3400 got 31st place.

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